
Mailmark accreditation for Orphans

A good number of our customers like us to mail out what we print for them. As much as anything it avoids the need to ship on to a mailing house. So over the years we have developed our service, from the purchase of automated envelope inserting machines and polywrap lines to address printers and software designed to maximise Royal Mail discounts for larger mailings. The Royal Mail has moved with the times too and we've just been accredited to produce Mailmark mailings. The Mailmark system invloves the addition of a type of barcode like those below. Every item of mail carries information useful to the Royal Mail (i.e. who has sent it, using what service) and potentially also to the end recipient (i.e. 'where's my mail?'). Naturally with progress comes a little more complexity, not least the need for new software and inevitably a few more hoops to hurdle. But we've come through as yet unscathed and are pleased to now process all suitable mailings through this flagship Royal Mail service. 

Mailmark barcode options:

Print or online mail? Try both!

In an always-connected electronic world there remains a lot of value in high quality, well timed printed mailings.