Producing Beautiful Books

Orphans has been printing books since our inception in 1873. From lavish coffee table books to
self-published family memoirs we have a care for the presentation and quality of the print we produce on behalf of authors.

Brand books & corporate commissions

A book is the perfect way to tell your brand story. We can work with authors from manuscript through to design and artwork. Or if your artwork is ready to go, we’ll happily handle the production for you.

To ensure a complete brand experience, we are on hand to advise on every element, including paper stock, cover finishes and binding options. And for a completely unique look, commission our in-house illustrator for bespoke illustrations and endpapers.

For longer runs (400+) we normally print litho, whilst lower quantities (as few as you need) are printed on the Indigo to the same high quality.

Pick a colour, any colour
Pick a colour, any colour

Self-publishing stars

We’re proud to work with a host of self-published authors, guiding them through every step of bringing their books to life.

We offer a highly professional service, from typesetting and cover design to proofing and printing.

Our self-published bookshelf spans all genres, from photography to gardening, memoir to fiction.

Pick a colour, any colour
Pick a colour, any colour

Orphans Publishing

Our sister company Orphans Publishing was established to ‘give stories a home’. We pick stories we think readers will love, working closely with authors on their words and deliberating over design. Pop over to Orphans Publishing to find out more.

Bespoke formats


Coffee table books

Pick a colour, any colour

Pocket sized books

Photography books

Have you thought about . . .

Spot UV
Patterned endpapers
Bespoke illustrations

FAQs you may find helpful

Self-publishing means that as the author you control and pay for the whole process of publishing the book, including distributing it to bookshops, but you take all the profits from your sales. Traditional publishing means that the publisher signs a contract to produce and distribute the book and pay for all the upfront costs, and takes the income generated after a royalty payment to the author is deducted..

An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a universal identifier for your book. If you choose to sell your book via bookshops or online, you will need to purchase an ISBN. It’s relatively simple, and we can guide you through the process.

As a self publishing client, once the books have been printed they’re all yours to price and sell as you wish. We do not have the capacity to store or distribute your books, but we’re always happy to offer advice.

Before you press print, it might be worthwhile doing some research to help you decide on the quantity to print. Maybe you could take your idea to your local indie bookshop, or have a think about who your audience might be, and how you’ll reach them. The more books you print, the lower the cost per book will be, but you want to make sure that the quantity you print is manageable for you.

Ready to get started?

Already have artwork?